
You Are an Unnatural Flirt

You Are an Unnatural Flirt

This doesn't mean you're a bad flirt, it just means that flirting doesn't come naturally to you.

You are willing to learn how to be a better flirt, even if it feels weird or phony at first.

You like to be seen as attractive and fun, you're not always sure how to go about doing it.

Just try to notice who lights up a room, and emulate their approach. Flirting is easy once you get some practice.


You've Changed 56% in 10 Years

You've Changed 56% in 10 Years

You've done a good job changing with the times, but deep down, you're still the same person.

You're clothes, job, and friends may have changed some - but time hasn't changed you.


Your Defense Mechanism is Sublimation

Your Defense Mechanism is Sublimation

Compared to most people, you handle your problems very well.

You're good at channeling negative energy into positive energy. You know how to change your perspective.

You turn bad events into opportunities. You find strength in dealing with your problems.

You are inspired and productive. Some may describe you as a "tortured genius" - but you're not that tortured.

You Are Eastern

You Are Eastern

You see yourself as a very small part of the universe - and you're still trying to figure out what your role is.

Discovering who you are and the meaning of your life is very important to you.

You see life as a journey, and you hope to learn as much as you possibly can.

You believe that living a virtuous and reflective life is how to reach enlightenment.

You Kiss Like a Man

You Kiss Like a Man

For you, kissing is a very sexual act. It's all about physical attraction.

You tend to take the lead with kissing. If you're attracted to someone, you want to kiss as soon as possible.

You prefer aggressive kisses. You like to test limits and see where a kiss goes.

Kissing makes you feel closer to your partner. You see kissing as a fast track to intimacy.


What Kind of Music Are You?

You Are Classical Music

You are a somewhat serious person who enjoys studying subjects deeply.

Art of all kinds interests you, and a good piece of art can really effect you emotionally.

You are inspired by human achievement, and you appreciate work that takes years to accomplish.

For you, the finer things in life are not about snobbery - they're about quality.